Trustworthy AI needs facts

We believe AI needs to trained on curated, trustable data so it is grounded in a shared reality:

We help you and your AI to discover, publish, research and curate trustworthy knowledge.

  • You can help AI agents to find, verify and collaborate on your facts
  • Join in ... fact claims are easy to create, tamper-proof, decentralized and forever free .

Are you are launching a product, creating content, running a business or publishing research ...?


  • Specific: Associated with a unique action or entity and generated by a particular process.
  • Traceable: Sourced through connections established during their creation or association.
  • Published: Online for reference, they may be real time, they may go away.
  • Grounded: Stored forever, with a tamper-proof fingerprint, ensuring reliable verification.
  • Notarized: A traceable chain of custody, trusted and signed by a blockchain trustee.

The technicalities: