@prefix prov: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix cc: . @prefix owl: . @prefix schema: . @prefix dc: . # fact.claims - towards trustworthy AI # A web of facts stored on InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) as Linked Data (JSON-LD), and truted by DAO Smart Contracts # All valid claims must include `prov:wasAssociatedWith` and `prov:wasGeneratedBy`. # A grounded fact must have (`prov:wasGeneratedBy`) to an immutable source, either or . # A notarized fact is grounded by an address owned by a smart contract. @prefix fact: . @prefix self: . # grounded claims a skos:ConceptScheme; a schema:Organization, prov:Organization ; a fact:Claim; a fact:DAO; rdf:label "fact.claims"; rdf:comment ""; schema:name "fact.claims" ; skos:prefLabel "fact.claims"; owl:sameAs . schema:license ; skos:member self:TrustworthyAI, self:ReliableAI, self:TransparentAI, self:AccountableAI; skos:member self:IPFS, self:LinkedData, self:Claim; skos:member self:DAO, self:Notarized; prov:wasAssociatedWith self:; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; # claims for related assets rdf:label "fact.claims logo"; prov:wasAssociatedWith ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; . # notarized claims self: a schema:Organization, prov:Organization ; a fact:Claim; a fact:DAO; rdf:label "smart trust"; schema:name "smart trust" ; skos:prefLabel "smart trust"; owl:sameAs . prov:wasAssociatedWith self:; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; prov:wasAssociatedWith . # related concepts for context self:TrustworthyAI a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Trustworthy AI"@en ; skos:definition "AI that are reliable, transparent, and accountable."@en . self:ReliableAI a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Reliable AI"@en ; skos:definition "AI that consistently perform as expected."@en ; skos:narrower self:TrustworthyAI . self:TransparentAI a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Transparent AI"@en ; skos:definition "AI that provide visibility into their decision-making."@en ; skos:narrower self:TrustworthyAI . self:AccountableAI a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Accountable AI"@en ; skos:definition "AI that can be held responsible for their actions and decisions."@en ; skos:narrower self:TrustworthyAI . self:IPFS a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; prov:wasAssociatedWith ; skos:prefLabel "InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)"@en ; skos:definition "A method of storing and sharing tamper-proof content."@en . self:LinkedData a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Linked Data"@en ; skos:definition "Smart data that it can be interlinked."@en ; skos:related self:IPFS . self:DAO a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)"@en ; skos:definition "An organization operated by and on behalf of a smart contract."@en ; skos:related self:TrustworthyAI . self:Notarized a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel " Notarized"@en ; skos:definition "A fact web that is verified and signed by a trusted third party."@en ; skos:related self:DAO . self:Claim a skos:Concept ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; skos:prefLabel "Claim"@en ; skos:definition "A statement asserting something is true."@en ; skos:related self:Notarized . # licence claims prov:wasAssociatedWith ; prov:wasGeneratedBy self:; . a cc:License ; cc:licenseClass ; cc:permits cc:DerivativeWorks, cc:Distribution, cc:Reproduction ; cc:requires cc:Attribution, cc:Notice, cc:ShareAlike ; dc:creator ; dc:hasVersion "4.0" ; dc:identifier "by-sa" ; dc:source "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/" ; foaf:logo , ; owl:sameAs .