Understanding Fact Claims

Fact claims are structured pieces of information that represent knowledge about a business, product, service, or any other entity.

Distinguishing themselves from data, facts embody a network of interconnected meanings - a digital map for your forest of facts.

They are composed of three key components: the subject, tag, and object, which collectively provide context and meaning to the information.

Why Should Non-Technical Business Owners Care?

  1. Trustworthy AI Training: Fact claims provide curated, trustworthy data that can be used to train AI systems. By ensuring that AI is grounded in accurate information, businesses can enhance the reliability and effectiveness of AI-powered solutions.
  2. Improved Decision-Making: Access to reliable, curated data through fact claims enables business owners to make informed decisions. Whether it's launching a new product, crafting marketing strategies, or analyzing market trends, fact claims provide valuable insights for decision-making.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Fact claims serve as a common language for sharing information and collaborating with partners, stakeholders, and AI systems. Business owners can easily exchange structured data, ensuring consistency and accuracy in communication.

How to Leverage Fact Claims:

  1. Discovering Fact Claims: Start by exploring existing fact claims related to your business, industry, or area of interest. Platforms like fact.claims provide repositories of structured data that can be searched and accessed.
  2. Creating Fact Claims: Once you understand the concept of fact claims, consider creating your own to represent key aspects of your business, such as products, services, or company information. This can be done using online tools or platforms that support the creation and publishing of fact claims.
  3. Publishing and Sharing: Once created, publish your fact claims to make them accessible to others. Share them with partners, customers, and AI systems to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  4. Collaborating with AI: Utilize fact claims to train AI systems, improve data quality, and enhance the performance of AI-powered applications. By providing reliable, structured data, business owners can optimize AI-driven processes and solutions.


Fact claims offer a powerful way for non-technical business owners to harness the potential of structured data and enhance their operations in the digital age. By leveraging fact claims, businesses can improve decision-making, foster collaboration, and build trust in their digital interactions. Start exploring fact claims today to unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation in your business.