Designing a Fact Finder

The fact web is represented as linked data serialized as JSON-LD. We find facts by crawling - just like a search engine.

A published fact is published on the Internet as an https:// resource, just like any web page.

Each fact-ready website hosts a fact claims file, you can start with our

Let's get started ...

The full process looks like this - it's not quite some complicated as it first appears:

    participant Agent
    participant FactCrawler
    participant IPFS
    Agent ->> FactCrawler: Start crawling process
    FactCrawler ->> IPFS: Request root node (IPFS URI)
    IPFS -->> FactCrawler: Send root node data
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Load grounded facts from IPFS
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Follow chain of trust
    Note over FactCrawler: Iterate through associated and generated facts
    FactCrawler ->> IPFS: Request grounded facts
    IPFS -->> FactCrawler: Send grounded facts
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Merge facts into graph
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Traverse to secondary facts
    Note over FactCrawler: Optionally fetch facts from public URLs
    FactCrawler ->> IPFS: Request secondary facts
    IPFS -->> FactCrawler: Send secondary facts
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Merge secondary facts into graph
    FactCrawler ->> FactCrawler: Validate claims using SHACL
    Note over FactCrawler: Ensure facts conform to SHACL

1. Choosing a Starting Point:

  • A crawl starts with a URL to your "trusted" JSON-LD source - any published JSON-LD, on any web server.
  • However, a grounded crawl must start with an immutable ipfs://root-hash URL.
  • In all cases, ensure this starting point is relevant to your domain.
  • Ideally, controlled either by you or a trusted partner.

2. Crawling a Web of Facts:

Start at the Root Fact:

  • Initiate the crawler from your root node.

3. Loading Grounded Facts from IPFS:

  • Grounded facts act as the foundation of the fact web.
  • Retrieve facts from the specified URL (ipfs:// for grounded facts).
  • Download and parse data (preferably in JSON-LD format) into new RDF statements.
  • Merge these statements into the fact web for further processing.

4. Following Chain of Custody:

  • 4.1) Begin traversal from the root node.
  • 4.2) Follow relationships like prov:wasAssociatedWith and prov:wasGeneratedBy.
  • 4.3) Retrieve the linked facts - either published (https://) or grounded (ipfs://).
    • 4.3.1) Download the URL.
    • 4.3.2) Load the JSON-LD data into your RDF model.
  • 4.4) Recursively retrieve URLs (repeat from 4.1).

5. Optionally, Retrieving Secondary Facts from Public URLs:

  • Explore secondary facts that aren't directly linked to the root node.
  • Develop mechanisms to fetch secondary facts from public URLs as needed.
  • Handle diverse data formats and sources encountered during secondary fact retrieval.
  • Secondary facts are not immutable, this allows for publishing dynamic facts (handle with care).

6. Validating Claims:

  • Ensure the fact web conforms to the SHACL specification.
  • Employ SHACL validation to check for consistency, integrity, and adherence to predefined rules.
  • Implement automated validation during or post-crawling.
  • Handle any validation errors systematically, providing appropriate feedback or corrective measures.

An Algortihm for Crawling Ground Facts

graph TD;
    A[Start] --> C{Is IPFS?};
    C -->|Yes| D[Load from IPFS];
    C -->|No| E[Not Trusted];
    D --> F[Follow Chain of Custody];
    F --> G[Lookup Facts];
    G --> H{Facts Found?};
    H -->|Yes| I[from public URLs];
    H -->|No| J[Validate using SHACL];
    I --> J;
    J --> K[End: Crawl Complete];
    E --> K;
    K --> L{Success?};
    L -->|Yes| M[Report];
    L -->|No| N[Repair];
    M --> O[End];
    N --> O[End];

7. Tools and Libraries

Use caseOpen source
IPFS Integrationjs-ipfs for JavaScript or py-ipfs for Python or Java IPFS API for Java
RDF RepresentationApache Jena for Java or RDFLib for Python
Smart Contract IntegrationWeb3.js for JavaScript or for Python
SHACL ValidationTopQuadrant SHACL or Eclipse RDF4J SHACL