Research and Collaboration

Scientists need to discover, share, and analyze research findings to improve collaboration, reproducibility, and innovation.

Linked Data is a foundational technology for publishing data in a structured and machine-readable format.

For a scientist, Linked Data enables the expression of research resources, such as publications, datasets, and authors. This structured representation can describe papers, authors, citations, and references in a formal model.

  1. Choose Vocabularies: Vocabularies define terms, we refer to them using their common prefix, like skos: or schema:.
  2. Resources and Types: Describe resources such as the scholarly article and its related entities.
  3. Properties and Relationships: Define properties and relationships between resources, elucidating attributes and interconnections.
  4. Fact Claims: Introduce fact claims for insights into the paper, authors, content, and context.

Now, let's delve into an exemplar in the realm of AI research:

  • Attention Is All You Need.
  • Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., Kaiser, Ł., & Polosukhin, I. (2017). arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.03762.

We introduce the article, the subject of our fact web, using the URL of the paper on arxiv:


        a schema:ScholarlyArticle ;

        schema:name "Attention is all you need" .

The authors of the paper deserve some attention:

We have a few choices; we'll add a schema:author because it's widely understood:

        schema:author <>,
                    <> .

The protocol specifies to use PROV-O wasAttributedTo for more formal attribution and provenance.

Let's reuse the same author URLs because we're talking about the same authors:

    prov:wasAttributedTo <>,
                 <> .

We can expand our primary resource with some additional context, like the journal, publisher, and a link to Wikipedia for good measure:

        schema:datePublished "2017-06-12" ;
        schema:publisher "arXiv" ;
        schema:isPartOf <> ;
        skos:related <> ;

We've referenced some resources, and we can include some basic facts about them too:

        a schema:WebPage ;
        schema:name "Transformer (machine learning model)" .

Since we're using RDF Turtle, we must define our prefixes before we refer to them:

    @prefix schema: <> .
    @prefix prov: <> .
    @prefix skos: <> .
    @prefix fact: <> .
    @prefix cito: <> .
    @prefix w3cvc: <> .

    # Article and Authors
        a schema:ScholarlyArticle ;
        schema:name "Attention is all you need" ;
        schema:author <>,
                    <> ;
        prov:wasAttributedTo <>,
                    <> ;
        schema:datePublished "2017-06-12" ;
        schema:publisher "arXiv" ;
        schema:isPartOf <> ;
        skos:related <> .

    # Verifiable Credentials
        a w3cvc:VerifiableCredential ;
        cito:citesAsDataSource <> .

    # Wikipedia Resource
        a schema:WebPage ;
        schema:name "Transformer (machine learning model)" .