Make & trust all kinds of claims

RDF is a framework for representing information in the form of statements - our fact claims.

Each statement consists of three components - subject,tag, and object.

We use URLs to uniquely identify resources and the relationships between them.

Let's make a simple claim:

It becomes easier to read if we work on an example:

    <> a fact:Claim .
  • Formally our statement says that is a kind of fact:Claim.
  • Subject: <>
  • Tag: a (short for "is a kind of")
  • Object: fact:Claim - something called a Claim is defined in the fact: vocabulary)

Now, Let's enrich our statements to be more descriptive:

We can tag our subject with both links and literals, like this:


    a schema:Organization, prov:Organization, fact:Claim ;

    rdf:label "";
    schema:name "" ;
    skos:prefLabel "";

    rdf:comment "The project builds tools for fact-based AI.";
    owl:sameAs <>.

Let's break it down:

  • We always start with a subject resource, like<>
  • Then we add some tags to assign more meaning - to tell it's story so to speak:
    • We claim to bea schema:Organization and a prov:Organization.
  • We added some human-readable labels - using a few common vocabularies for compatibility:
    • rdf:label, schema:name, and skos:prefLabel are well-known properties.
    • rdf:comment provides a longer description of the subject.
    • owl:sameAs indicating that it is an alias of another resource.

Using short tags instead of URLs:

The simplest vocabulary is really just a URL prefix that ensure terms are globally unique.

A short tag uses a prefix (we use fact:) to stand-in for the URL namespace.

In our example, fact: is expanded into a full URL when the RDF is parsed only if we declare it as prefix.

  @prefix fact: <> .

For our implementation, we created and hosted an RDF resource named /v0/fact that describes our terms.

So fact:Claim becomes <>, a fully qualified URL that can, but need not, be resolvable.

For production use cases, it's best practice to define a formal vocabulary using RDFS notation (W3C standard).

Our vocabulary is retrievable from and our claims from

This allows any agent to make sense of our (or your) terms by following links to their definitions.

And that's it (mostly)!